The son of a poor rickshaw-puller who is taken out of school as a boy and put to work in a teashop, Balram nurses dreams of escape.
Polish prisoners and Jews have been put to work on various construction projects.
As a result, some rats are being put to work to detect TB.
By asking the question How can I afford it? your brain is put to work.
A visionary alchemist, arrested by a tyrannical ruler, is put to work turning scraps into riches.
That day the Nautilus was put to work in some depth-sounding experiments that fascinated me deeply.
She was instead put to work with her father, Ben Ross, who taught her how to lumber.
The four-legged robot from Boston dynamics is being put to work at Ford motor company in Michigan.
And a 24-hour guard was put to work in a small building across the water to protect the birds.
They get put to work, doing everything from chopping unions.
That's why people don't go out, like, they need to put the work in to...
这就是为什么人们不出去, 就像,他们需要把工作放在. . . . .
Having many users for each piece of infrastructure means they are put to work more efficiently.
And it's certainly looking like money has been put to work in organisations that simply don't make sense.
Our inmates, properly supervised will be put to work outside these walls, performing all manner of public service.
And as a result, too much of that money, it's sitting on the sidelines, waiting to be put to work.
From DNA to Proteins: The Machinery of Life The real power of DNA comes to light when it's put to work.
从 DNA 到蛋白质:生命的机器 DNA 的真正力量只有在投入使时才会显现出来。
Historically, these zombis were said to be put to work as laborers who needed neither food nor rest and would enrich their captor's fortune.
Following his surrender in 1945, von Braun was brought to the US and put to work at Fort Bliss near El Paso, Texas.
1945 年投降后,冯·布劳恩被带到美国,并在德克萨斯州埃尔帕索附近的布利斯堡工作。
They are capable of learning a remarkable number of words and commands, and they are happiest when they are put to work every day.
他们能够学习大量的单词和命令,当他们每工作时, 他们最快乐。
He had hardly any money and no real connections, turning up on the doorsteps of distant relatives of his mother and being put to work on their farms.
One day, a few years before his death, Prince Bismarck was driving on his estate, closely following a self-binder that had recently been put to work.
有,在他去世前几年, 俾斯麦亲王驾车前往他的庄园, 紧跟着最近投入使的自我约束器。